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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Now come on Congressman Weiner!!!

Now to start things off, I have to say that I've never really liked political gossip. I never truly wanted to hear about the people we put in power, spending our tax dollars and doing things that are "unbecoming" of their position of power. However in light of Congressman Anthony Weiner, my attitude has forever been changed. Now how is it possible for a grown man (at the ripe age of 46) just got married a year ago to Senator Hillary Clintons top aide think it's ok to take pictures of all the wrong areas and send them via twitter to a 21 year old college student?! Ms. Gennette Cordova was the lucky girl to receive that picture and started this whole thing. It sucks that there’s a delay upon deleting because 10 seconds is plenty of time for the world to see the lovely gray shorts.... that I think was a stuffed cause there’s just no way. Disgracing himself, good way to go. He’s too liberal for my taste. Now as the average person my logic tells me that this is wrong and anyone in his position would avoid these types of controversial scandals like pickin up women half his age via twitter .... They say he was reaching out to these women....and there is a total of six different women on not just twitter, but facebook as well. Ms. Meagan Broussard wants her 15 minutes of fame too. She got you sir.  Wooow Weiner, sucks that they all decided to come forward to put you out there like that, kinda perverted, and your poor wife. I believe you when you said your wife is "remarkable"..shit if I was her (knocked up or not) .. I would have literally written my own divorce papers up, skipped the lawyer and kicked you to the curb. She doesn’t need you , she’s got Hillary Clinton. It's not like she needs to embarrass you more cause you do that plenty on your own. Sorry but I don’t feel bad for you crying up there at the podium. Not like I need to say it, but your better getting out now while the gettings good . “The democrats are coming ,the democrats are coming.”

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"Wit is Key", I love it! Nobody likes a dry person. All my life people always told me that i was able to say what others were afraid to. So one day after a few convos with certain people, I up and decided to make a blog. Hey, why not? I'm just your average 21 year old girl who works and goes to school. And to be's boring. So let's spice it up! Nothing's better than good conversation and nothing here is off limits.