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Friday, June 24, 2011

RANT!!! Exorcising the ex, trapped in the closet part1!

Now to start this weeks rant I want to say that this is not going to be about some drug addicted celeb or sex seeking (and still starved) politician. No ladies and gents, this is coming from the heart. It’s coming from a deep and somewhat sad place that has gone unnoticed for too long, and it’s time to unload and put it out there. Now I don’t know about most women, but this idea came from a self-help book I found lying around the house called "Exorcising your Ex". Don’t ask me how or why it’s there (if you know anything about me you would be able to guess), so I decided to put my own little self help guide out into the void. So, to start with a little background, I will offer my key insight and knowledge ending with a unique haha and credible set of rules. Now, 3 years ago I started dating this "man" I met at work. How you find “love” sweating, running around a nursing home I’ll never really understand: a bad way to start. So, with this come Charlotte’s rules to survival. The number 1 rule: NEVER under any circumstances date someone you work with!! I don’t care how starved for affection, lonely or freaky you feel, It is guaranteed to come around and bite you in the ass. So after the typical wine and dine dating thing, it actually got serious. At the time, I was living with a girlfriend and when he offered up for me to move in with him, I thought about all that rent money I could save. SCORE!! Although I was sadly disappointed when he told me we would be living with his parents. I should have ran for the hills but that’s not in my nature. Insert rule number 2: When a grown man over 25 still lives at home there is a serious problem especially when he was making $30 an hour. You know when people say you don’t really know what a person is like until you live with them, well that is very true. In the following months I found out about his inability to cut the cord, drug problem and how many thousands of dollars in debt he was. Really? What the hell was I doing??? I should have been gone like the crack head who stole your shoes. Sadly, I stayed pulling every tooth in his mouth until I finally got him to move his bum ass out of his mother’s house. Now after months of trying to move out, me, being the “pusher”, striving for more, I thought our own place would help the situation I found myself in. This leads to rule 3: now if a man is fully capable to get up and get out and doesn’t, that is a sign of
“Over-Babied Syndrome”. RUN! A Moms responsibility ends at 18, not 30. Anything after 18 is strictly out the goodness of the heart. I’m a dumbass. So, finally success. We moved into apartment number 1. This led to the longest most resentful, hateful and boring year of my life. Don’t be mad at me, I can work 30 hours a week, pay my bills and have off days. I do just fine, it was him who had to bust ass to pay back visa. This showed me just how selfish he really was. Ladies, to me this is the most important rule of all. Rule 4: it’s not about need it[s about want! I don’t need you to do anything; I can do perfectly well on my own and not have my soul sucked from my body. This is were want ended as well. If anything, he needed me to make sure his shit was done. So after all this ask me what happened in the end. That’s just it, it ended and not very nicely. Now I’ll save the rest of the story and the last 5 rules for next week but ponder just for a moment, let your imagination run.

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"Wit is Key", I love it! Nobody likes a dry person. All my life people always told me that i was able to say what others were afraid to. So one day after a few convos with certain people, I up and decided to make a blog. Hey, why not? I'm just your average 21 year old girl who works and goes to school. And to be's boring. So let's spice it up! Nothing's better than good conversation and nothing here is off limits.